Tuesday, 8 March 2011

Continuity exercise...Finished?

Our continuity exercise has been edited! This is really good as it gives us the chance to be able to film more of our opening sequence without worrying about our continuity exercise.

It was decided in our group that the person with the most  experience of editing should edit our continuity piece as it would be quicker and they knew what they would be doing. So Alex editd it and we are all grateful to him for doing it!

Editing the preliminary task

One thing that needs to be re-edited is our match on action. Seeing as this is a requirement of our exercise it's pretty important that it's in there; our match on action only consists of two different angles instead of three. We filmed three but only two angles were put in to the final edit so this is something we need to go back to which should hopefully only take about two seconds!

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