Wednesday, 30 March 2011


We've made our titles finally and we made these by using the accidental footage that we have from the stalking shots. These shots are generally of nothing in particular and are just accidental or are in the five seconds before the acting started. For example here's one:

Each of these last for 2 seconds because we couldn't fit the whole name and job title onto a 4 second clip so we split it in half. We also did one each for the actors and this brought our whole time up by 12 seconds so we've finally reached our time limit!

After we had shown it to our teacher she pointed out that there wasn't a an actual title in the whole sequence, so that meant we thought we had finished again but instead had one little thing left to do. We couldn't think of a name and asked our teacher and someone from another media group to think of one. We were all thinking of titles to do with time and clocks when our teacher said 'Femme Fatale'. This relates to the film noir genre of women seducing lovers to kill their husbands and we liked it because obviously our killer is a woman. We were all happy with this and it adds some mystery and class to our sequence because the title's in french.

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