Tuesday 22 March 2011

Filming finally finished!

We've finally finished filming and re-filming, after so many filming sessions! So we've loaded everything from every single tape onto the mac and now we're in the process of editing on iMovie.

First of all we edited all 3 flashbacks because they're easy to edit and we knew for certain what we were doing. Our 3 flashbacks are:
  • The watch flashback

  • The wallet flashback and
  • The holepunch flashback.

For the wallet flashback we put in a cutaway to the picture in the wallet of our main character and his partner to convey that it might be her who killed him.

With the holepunch flashback our character uses the holepuncher twice so we kept one normal speed and made the second one in slow motion by clicking on clip and then slow motion and we made it slow motion by 50%. I really like this bit and I also really like how the sound is slowed down as well; this makes it seem more menacing which is good because it's our murder weapon.

With all the flashbacks we put an effect on them which is called 'dream'. This makes it brighter and more yellow ish which gives the impression of a dream or flashback.

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