Wednesday, 30 March 2011

Q7. Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

Filming our preliminary task really helped us develop our main task into something which we are all proud of. Our preliminary task of filming a continuity exercise made us realise that filming is actually really difficult, there’s so much to think about. For example the framing as in is the subject central or more to the left and shot distance as well was tricky because you don’t want them all the same distance or angle because that’s monotonous and boring for the audience, they want variation. Also bringing in props proved a challenge to us as a group because we didn’t sort it out before hand and then some of us forgot to bring in a pair an envelope of paper as fake money and we just used whatever we had with us just before we filmed. This taught us the valuable lesson of preparation and organisation!

The continuity task helped us to realise how much work goes into filming a simple forty five second sequence. We constantly had to think about camera angles and distances and whether there was anything in the shot that shouldn't be, for example in one of our shots there's a camera which shouldn't be seen. This made us develop the skill of checking every time before we started to film and it also improved our multi tasking skills because we were always thinking of something else like angles whilst filming or checking the lighting

I personally think that our group worked effectively as a team and that sometimes there were times of mis communication but on the whole we communicated and helped each other out with resources and ideas for our blogs. Our preliminary task helped us to trust each other with this media project because we were all in it together and we were all just as scared as each other about using the cameras and tripods.

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