So we finished all our filming in two and a half days and guess what? We filmed over some footage! That probably wasn't the best thing we've ever done; especially as we were so close to starting the editing.
Me and Beth (Ellie and Alex were in lessons) finished filming and decided to upload everything to the Apple Macs on iMovie.
We had one main tape with our names on it which we were filming on and the continuity exercise tapes. We uploaded our main tape and two of the continuity tapes (which we used for our match on action), which we also used if we wanted a second camera on the same shot. Using more than one tape was brilliant as we could film a match on action because it would make our opening sequence more interesting.
The only confusing thing with using three tapes is that you can't remember which ones you've loaded onto the Macs and which ones you haven't. We realised this the hard way and kept getting confused as to which ones had been uploaded because me and Beth had uploaded all but one of the continuity tapes we had used. This is why we weren't sure if we had uploaded everything as the tapes weren't marked.
When we had uploaded everything from all the tapes we realised something was missing so we checked again and realised that we must have filmed over some footage. Luckily it was shots/scenes we could re-film easily so it wasn't too bad but it was just annoying about the fact that we had finished and then we realised we hadn't.
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